One of the most common questions for readers to ask is: what do your family and friends think of you being a writer? Honestly, I would have to say it is mixed. One reason I don’t have many friends and they don’t read regularly. But I have a few that I have gained from my journey as a writer. They have read my books and helped me with my craft over the years.
As for family, my mom is a big supporter of my writing. She doesn’t read the books like you would think but she listens to me when I need to work things out with my books. Her lack of reading the books doesn’t delve into the lack of interest it is due more towards her reading disability. She has a hard time understanding things that are fantasy base for making the images click in your imagination.
My sister isn’t a supporter of anything I do, so I don’t even like to think about her that much when I try to achieve things. However, my nieces are an enormous support for writing young adult and I have given them some of my books for free to read.
Ben, my husband, is a big support system for me. We have done some writing together over the years and I plan to write more with him in the future. He doesn’t always read because he has limited time available and he rather play video games or play with the kids. But if I need to talk to someone about my storyline or anything he is open ears for me.
I also like to point out that there are three online friends that have helped me a lot over the years. Allison Reker is one of the main ones. She is my editor and I am her Personal Assistant. We work well together and she helps me build my writing craft from abysmal to somewhat decent. Stephanie Ayers and Maria Vermisoglou are two other authors that have helped me with my journey as a writer. They help me stay on task and brain storm when no one else is available. We talk practically every day and keep each other on task.
Over the years, I have gained more friends that support me than what I had in the beginning. And my family helps me keep pushing forward. But I do say I try to try because I love writing for readers to enjoy the story. I’m hoping to get better at releasing books regularly even if it means I don’t release as many as other authors do.
Hope everyone is ready for New Year’s this week. I got plenty of resolutions for me, my business, and my family coming soon to the blog for you to enjoy this week. Happy Holidays.