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The Inside Look at "Matched to the Alien Workaholic," by Danielle Forrest!

Danielle Forrest

Hi everyone. Today I am handing things over to Danielle Forrest. She is going to share some fun information about her story: "Matched to the Alien Workaholic" that is part of the "Beyond Starlight Box Set." Hope you enjoy and remember you can grab "Beyond Starlight" for 99 cents until release day on November 19th. Click Here to Order


Hello, my name is Danielle Forrest, and my novella, Matched to the Alien Workaholic, is being featured in the boxed set, Beyond Starlight, releasing November 19 (so soon!!!).


Anyway, today I thought I would go into a little detail about the series itself.  The series, Matched to the Alien, is set in the universe of the rest of my books, but its focus is different.  The previous series were a bit more disjointed in theme, featuring military service and war, space piracy, industrial espionage, and world changing events (Okay… maybe I’m doing that practically everywhere, but it’s my books.  I can do that if I want to…). 

Happily ever after is a thing I love to do! Graphic

I’m the type of author who loves a happy ending, but also loves putting my characters in mortal peril (which has been a little bit more of a challenge with a series involving what essentially equates to a mail order bride system…). 


That being said, I still manage to pull it off.  Book 1, Matched to the Alien Prince, involves political intrigue and kidnappings.  Book 2 (still in edits), involves gun fights (wait, Book 1 did too… anyway…), spaceship crashes, and fights for survival against the unforgiving terrain.  And as for Alien Workaholic?  Yeah, absolutely potentially lethal as well. Not gonna tell you why, though…


But that doesn’t tell you that much about the series, now does it? 


Let’s get into it!


The series revolves around a matching service called Best Life Interstellar Matchmaking Service (the founder at first wanted to called it a program, not service, but thought BLIMP was a terrible acronym).  Anyway, it’s run by a redhead named Michelle Mackey who is a bit of a momma bear with her clients, determined to protect them (even when she should be doing a bit more due diligence).  For example, in the first book, she knows there’s something wrong with her potential client, that the client is running from something.  In theory, that something could be her own misdeeds, but Mackey does everything in her power to ensure that her client can feel safe again.  She sees a woman in need and feels compelled to help her.


The books are her “case studies” that she uses to advertise her business, telling the stories of her clients (with permission, of course) in romantic narrative to appeal to potential clients who have not been properly served by the dating scene here on Earth. 


As such, the clients tend to be people who have been excluded from finding love the easy way.  My motto as an author is that “Everyone deserves a happy ending.” In one instance, the FMC is escaping a bad relationship.  In another, she is trying to escape her own guilt (possibly misplaced) which has isolated her from all her relationships.  In Alien Workaholic, a combination of her focus on work and her bisexuality have made the prospect of finding a partner on Earth mentally exhausting.  And that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my ideas for main characters in the series. 

How far will you travel to find true love? Graphic


For future books, I have ideas for a sex-positive asexual person (that’s the next book I’m writing), a deaf woman, a woman seen by society to be “ugly,” an older woman, a trans woman, and a queer platonic couple (one aroace, one straight) who risk taking on a third in the relationship to support the straight partner’s needs.


In closing, this series involves often disenfranchised people who travel across the stars with the dim hope of finding love, sometimes having to leave behind family and friends, and definitely having to leave behind everything they know.  They have to cope with the reality of a world with different social structures, different foods, different language, and different expectations placed on them.  And they have to cope with all that while trying to get to know the person who the matching service says is perfect for them. 


It’s not always easy, but it’s definitely worth it.


So, I hope you try the series out, and I hope you love it.


Danielle Forrest



Danielle Forrest

Danielle Forrest Author Picture

I am a scientist, a dog parent, and part-time author of SciFi Romance. I love happy endings and using my biology degree in ways it was absolutely not intended. That means a lot of "interesting" alien biology as well as thoughtful world building.

But that's not the only reason to enjoy my writing. I also like writing diverse characters (LGBTQIA+, neurodivergent, and more) and (because I'm an author and what more can you expect from me?) throwing them into mortal peril every time it makes sense for the plot (which is sadly nowhere NEAR as often as I would like).

If that sounds like something that's up your alley, click the link below. You'll find free books (through my mailing list), early access and free short stories/bonus scenes (through my Ream page), my book list, and all my social medias. I hope to hear from you soon.

Follow Danielle by her Linktre:


Matched to the Alien Prince

(Currently available on Kindle/KU/Paperback & Hardcover)

Matched to the Alien Captain

(WIP currently available via REAM Subscription)

Danielle Forrest Author Logo



Matched to the Alien Workaholic

Featured in the Beyond Starlight Box Set

By: Danielle Forrest

Beyond Starlight Ebook Cover

Zenhan wanted nothing more than to do his job. It was his passion. He lived for it. But his brother, and now his boss, had other ideas. They thought he needed a break.

Except, a vacation wasn't the only plans his brother had made for him. He'd signed Zenhan up with a matchmaking agency, and his new mate was going to meet him there.

Their meeting goes badly enough, but the icing on the cake? 

Finding a weapons cache in the quaint little cabin they're expected to stay in...

Pre-Order your Copy Today for 99 Pennies!


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